Natural Health, Ecoliving, & Other Holistic Funk From The Loo'siana Swamp

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

☯♥☮ Gift of Gratitude ~ Happy Holistic Holidays!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural ☯♥☮ Healing Friends,

I hope this message finds you relaxed and well, enjoying your lives and holidays surrounded by loved ones. There truly, is no better place to be. In the spirit of love and gratitude, I am delighted to share that in one year, over 1100 people have joined our group.

On a personal note, I want to offer words of thanks. You shower my life with great joy. Though, many of us have never met in person nor had time for in-depth Facebook conversations (yet!), your profile pictures and updates tell me much about you. I am grateful for each one of you...and your positive, presence in my life. Even through cyberspace, I feel your love, support, and encouragement, which allows me in turn, to manifest what I love, support, and encourage--education and outreach on Holistic Health and Natural Healing.

As a gift of gratitude, I share this thought with you, today~
Each of you is the painter of your own life portrait. You can make the change you seek. You will be well. You shall find peace and happiness in each day, each moment...even when the waters are high, the winds strong. You must simply, trust yourself, find your inner light and truth, and then live manifest that peace through action.

We are living through challenging times globally, interpersonally, and economically as we strive for justice that truly, serves all and freedom that is wholly, accessible even to those living in the most far-reaching places. It is through this trust, life, truth, and peaceful action that we grow ourselves, learn from life, and become wiser, healthier individuals. That is the gift we receive from helping others. Together we can, and will, make ourselves, friends, family, community, and Earth a blissful place to live and prosper.

We each, are our own, best healer. As we daily, heal ourselves and remember the divine light within, we share that light and peace with others simply, by 'being'. This holiday season, look for the sparks of light in being and joy in the most far-reaching places. It is often there, we find the most meaning and fulfillment.

Peace Love Healing Joy Warmth Gentleness Prosperity Unity ~
Happy, Holistic Holidays & Gratitude To All.


Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

Click here to join Holistic Health & Natural Healing ☯♥☮ !!


Link Highlights:

Wolf Medicine: Native American Flute Music (Video)
Republic of Tea
Artful Tea
God's Love, We Deliver
Bacon/Sardines Among Top Food Trends '10
Top 10 Foods For Great Sex
The Origins of Willpower
Stress Management Techniques
R&R With A Purpose
Didgeridoo (Video)
Hope on Cancer Front
Conquer Everest Base Camp For MS
United Native Americans Inc.
Native American Baha'i
SPRY Houston
Organic Gurus: Aubrey Organice Free Skincare Set With Purchase
Community Food Enterprise
7 Common Types of Zinc Explained
Fast Food Grade Meat Higher Quality Than School Lunches
Healing Touch For Dogs
Greening Your Business
Tulsi Tea

Sunday, December 13, 2009

☯♥☮ Peppermint Tea For Sore Throats

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮ Friends,

Ever try a cup of peppermint tea to soothe a sore throat? Peppermint is a natural antibiotic, antiemetic, antilethargic, analgesic...and so, much more! What does this mean? It means that it will soothe your sore throat, nauseous tummy, exhausted body, tired mind, aching joints...and so, much more! Great for prevention and as a remedy to illness. Kids enjoy it, too!

Link Highlights:

Health: The New Sex Symbol
Therapy 32 Times More Cost Effective At Increasing Happiness Than Money
More Americans Blending Religions With New Age Beliefs
PITCH: Fundraising and Philanthropy Consulting
Chocolatiers In America
Banana...The Most Amazing Fruit
Loving Kindness Meditation
Frontier Co-Op: Bulk Organic Herbs, Spices, Teas & Essential Oils
New Reiki & Crystal Healing Website
Albany Times Union Holistic Medicine Blog
The Healing Power of Sound
8 Important Questions To Ask Your Doctor
7 Grains to Add to Your Diet
Herb World News Online
New Choices in Natural Healing Urinary Tract Infection
Herbs for Health & Healing Bladder Infections
Classical Homeopathy Facebook Page
Healer's Holiday
Some Biologists Find An Urge In Human Nature To Help
Europe-Wide Food Colour Ban Call
List of Acid-Alkaline Foods
Dav Ayurveda E-Zine
Self-Massage For Spinal Damage
Seaweed For Health
Cherokee Morning Song
Rainforest Home Remedies: The Maya Way to Heal Your Body and Replenish Your Soul
Clearing Sinuses/Sinus Infections/Allergies
Victory For Women's Health: Senate Passes Mikulski's Women's Health Amendment
Cup of Mint Tea An Effective Pain Killer

What To Eat To Avoid Holiday Heartburn
Make Green The New White: Tips For An Eco-Friendly Christmas
Ten Keys To Party Season Survival From Healthy & Green Living
Method: Home Care and Personal Care Products For The Holidays
Potpourri Recipes
Trader Joe's Holiday Treats
Sweet Potato Latke Recipes For Hannukkah

Peace, Love & Healing!

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

☯♥☮ Thanksgiving Holiday Newsletter ~ How To Feel Great on Thanksgiving and After!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing ☯♥☮ Friends & Fans,

Excited for Thanksgiving?
Looking forward to spending time with family and friends?
Or maybe, some extra time for yourself to reflect and meditate on giving and receiving thanks?

Here are 10 tips that are certain to make your Thanksgiving more relaxed and enjoyable!

1. Eat organic and free-range, whenever possible to avoid post-Thanksgiving 'haze'

2. Eat leafy greens, root vegetables, nuts, seeds and whole grains with your meals or for snacks to stabilize insulin levels from carbs, sugars, and large quantities of food

3. Drink herbal digestive teas like chamomile, mint, parsley, or green tea after meals

4. Keep plain seltzer water on hand to relieve slight, discomfort from overeating

5. Take gentle, refreshing walks between meals to encourage blood flow, digestion, and connection with nature

6. Do some gentle stretches in the morning, upon waking and evening, before bed

7. Make time to give thanks, even while at the mall, sitting in traffic, or watching football

8. Keep stressful conversations out of meal-time chatting

9. Do an extra act of kindness for a stranger or someone in need

10. Pace yourself--there are alot more meals and holidays just around the bend!

Happy, Holistic Thanxgiving to all!

Peace, Love & Healing,

Saturday, November 21, 2009

ॐ♥☮ Fall Feel-Good Food & Fun ~ Holistic Health & Natural Healing Newsletter, 11/21/09

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮ Friends & Fans,

As I am watching the numbers of supporters grow in our little, group...I am continually, amazed by the diversity that we all represent: towns, cities, states, provinces, countries, islands, lands, and continents from all over the world. We are finding each other and sharing information because we hold in common the desire to be well; the determination to create more sustainability & self-sufficiency; the mission to create results with our natural and holistic healing practices and remedies; the need to grow together; and the passion to do all of this in a peaceful, harmonious way with nature, ourselves, and our community. If you know of others who live, or wish to live, in similar ways~please, share links to our group as we help to heal and empower individuals and the collective good.

Below, you will find link & discussion highlights from recent weeks in our Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮ group. Come, share your links, ideas, questions, or suggestions on our wall:

Preventing & Healing Colds and Flu (including H1N1), Naturally
'Make Your Place: Affordable, Sustainable Nesting Skills'
Soothing/Healing, Bleeding Gums
Free Recipe For A Chemical-Free Skin-Care Cream
Sustainable Living Conference & Trade Show
Natural Healing Help For Cancer
Doctors Send Patients Outdoors For Physical, Mental Benefits
Time Management, Yoga Style: Holistic Health/Medicine Blog
10 Ways To Leave The World A Little Better
Baby Feng Shui
Healing Powers of Marshmallow & Elderberry
Building Muscle Throughout Life Reduces Risk of Alzheimers
Healing Autism, Naturally
Holistic Networking
Self Healing For Eye, Sinus & Headaches
Depression Linked To Processed Food
Natural Aphrodisiacs
Benefits of Bee Pollen
Removing Bisphenol A From Our Food Sources
Vitamin Deficiency Underlies Tooth Decay
Practicing Non-Judgement
Yoga Therapy
& more!!

Lastly, in light of the challenging economic times, I am running specials on Holistic Wellness Coaching and Consulting.

Please, contact me for more information through Facebook direct message or at:


Peace, Love & Healing,

Ladies, come join our Women's Holistic Health & Natural Healing ❀♀ॐ Group!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

☯♥☮ Colds, Flus, H1N1 ~ Special Edition Holistic Health & Natural Healing Newsletter, 11/11/09

Do you feel protected and ready for the height of cold and flu season? Are you in the know about H1N1/'Swine' Flu? Have you read differing opinions as to what's best for you, your family, and your community when selecting cold and flu care options? Are you aware of natural ways to help protect, prevent, and heal children from colds and flu? There are many, gentle, natural, healthy, and amazing ways to strengthen the immune system, boost cold & flu prevention, and heal related illness more rapidly.
Here are a few examples:

Herbal Teas: Rosehips, hibiscus, lemongrass, peppermint, spearmint, chicory, cinnamon, cloves

Cooking Spices & Herbs: Oregano, thyme, basil, garlic, onion, ginger, black, white, or red pepper, cumin, curry, paprika

Fruits With Vitamin C: Grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, satsuma, kumquat, mango, papaya, pineapple, tomato

Leafy, Green Vegetables: Cabbage, broccoli, mustard greens, collard greens, spinach, mixed lettuces

Sour, Spicy, and Pungent Foods: Turnips, radishes, celery, horseradish, jalapeno, chile peppers, ume plum, pickles, prunes

Foods That Keep Mucus Membranes Moist & Protected: Avocado, vegetable/seed/& nut oils, whole grains, milk fats, animal fats, honeys, maple syrups, fruit pectins

Liquids That Cleanse The Organs: Water, fruit & vegetable juices such as cranberry, carrot, apple, cucumber and all vinegars

Sea Salt: Sea salt is a natural antimicrobial, blood/organ cleanser, and immune booster

Vitamin Therapy: Taking a natural multi-vitamin can be helpful, especially, to those who are immunocompromised

Aromatherapy creams, baths gels, or air scents with lavendar, rosemary, rosewater, tea tree oil, vanilla

Herbal poultices and cloths to reduce fever: The skin is the largest organ on the human body! Herbal poultices pull disease out and release healing agents inward

Homeopathy: Homeopathics give us a minute doseage of an ingredient that is very energetically, potent to our system and can help to free us from sickness, illness residues, and stagnant energies

Feng Shui: Home cleaning to rid house of clutter, dust, stale energies and create movement

Healing Touch: Massage, Accupressure, Accupuncture, Reiki, Rolfing to keep muscles and meridians clear relaxed and clear

Emotional cleansing to keep throat and heart chakras/energies joyous

Wash hands frequently: Among the best ways to keep infections down

Stay relaxed and have fun! The primary, cause of illness to the body is stress. Adding more downtime, meditation, regular exercise, yoga, music, games, and outdoor recreation are great ways to keep the body, mind, heart, and spirit relaxed and cleansed.

Remember, colds and flus are part of our healing journies! However, if we feel prepared and act, wisely, we are sure to have the best outcome.

Natural healing is fun and nourishing to us whether we are kids or adults...

Keeping an open mind heals us faster!

Feel free to contact me on Facebook or at:
for more information regarding natural & holistic healing, including scheduling private consultations.

We love feedback and to read your thoughts! Be sure to check out the incredible links our wonderful group members have posted!

Peace, Love and Healing from the Big Easy,

Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮


Helpful Articles and Links On Preventing/Healing Colds and Flu, including H1N1, Naturally

(Though, the articles contain a variety of natural healing content, you will find diverse opinions about vaccinating and medicating allopathically, as well. Be sure to read all ingredients on foods, herbal blends, and natural remedies, as you would with pharmaceutical and allopathic remedies to insure the best choice for you or loved ones you care for.)

Ten Ways Herbal Remedies Can Help Protect You Against Colds And Flu

Cold and Flu Herbal Remedies

How To Make Herbal Tea For Colds Or Flu

Homeopathic Cold & Flu Remedy

Green Kiddie Cold and Flu

Traditional Medicinals Just For Kids Cold Care Tea

North American Herb & Spice: Kid-E Care Cold and Flu

Vapocal Rub For Kids,_a_natural_herbal_remedy_for_cold_and_flu_for_kids_1023.html

Herbs For Kids Cold and Flu

Natural Herbal Cold and Flu Remedies

Traditional Healers Choose To Fight H1N1 Naturally

Do Women Need Such Big Flu Shots?

Midwife Connection: Should Pregnant Women Take The H1N1 Vaccine

H1N1 Vaccine A Tough Sell To Pregnant Women,0,409451.story

H1N1 Vaccine With Mercury and Squalene Pushed On Pregnant Women

New H1N1 Vaccine With Peramivir Might Be Risky

Swine Flu Vaccine Could Have Major Medical Side Effects

Swine Flu Losing Virulence

...and my personal favorite ;*)

Add Ginger Cookies To Flu Treatment Arsenal

Sunday, November 1, 2009

☯♥☮ Schedule Your Holistic Wellness Session, Today! Holistic Health & Natural Healing Newsletter, 11/01/09

Swine flu got you down?
Feeling sluggish and weak?
Fearing the cold weather?
Maybe, you just, have a post-nasal drip that won't go away?
An old sports injury that aches when it rains?
Feel like you need an immune booster?

Or want to learn more about your body, mind, heart & spirit - to set and accomplish your personal, wellness goals.

As a Holistic Health Coach/Consultant and Women's/Community Holistic Wellness Educator, I practice many, Healing Modalities and offer a variety of Healing Services. Life, innately, is interdisciplinary. Therefore, my Holistic Healing style is also, diverse, contextual, interdisciplinary & integrative to accomodate life. We will work together to find the right healing balance, pace, and style for your needs and desires. I will instruct, guide, and support you in finding and manifesting your bliss!

Healing Modalities & Services I provide include:

~Organic, Seasonal and Local Food & Cooking
~Acid-Base Nutrition
~Mediterranean Diet
~Ethnic, Dietary Customs
~Aqua Therapy
~Nature Walks
~Exercise Strategies
~Healing Movement
~Garden Herbs
~Nature Therapy
~Traditional Chinese Medicine
~Feng Shui
~Holistic Home Decorating & Organizing
~Color Therapy
~Energetic Cleansing
~Emotional Healing
~Spiritual Guidance
~Holistic Childcare
~Holistic Eldercare
~Life Transitions Support
~Personal & Accompanied Healthful Grocery, Style & Home Shopping
~Girls & Women’s Health & Wellness Outreach
~Multicultural Organizing
~Multi-Language Tutoring
~Stylized Resumee Writing & Blog Building
~Conflict Resolution Classes
~Girls, Women's and Community Organizing & Network Development
~Youth, Peer & Adult Mentoring & Education
~Holistic Wellness & Social Networking Online
~Organizational Wellness Lectures
~Holistic Healing Training, Workshops & Clinics
~Motivational Speaking
~Life Coaching
~Self Empowerment Seminars

Contact me, today to set your Holistic Healing Session in-person, on the phone, via videochat, or other online communications.

Peace, Love & Healing!

~Jennifer A. Sachs

Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator
phone: 504*400*2171

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

☯♥☮ Meditation Is Our Natural Neutral ~ Holistic Health & Natural Healing Newsletter, 9/30/09

Dear Friends of Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮,

Why Meditate?

Meditation helps decrease:

high blood pressure
organ stress
skin imbalances
joint pain
sleep disturbances
disordered eating
spiritual emptiness

Meditation helps increase:

overall well-being
physical balance
joint flexibility
cleansing of the blood
emotional stability
positive outlook
mental clarity
conflict resolution skills
life fulfillment
spiritual connectedness

Did you know that in the last decade many, Olympic athletes have begun including meditation & yoga into their workouts for improved focus & better performance?

Try this exercise:
Find a quiet room.
Gently, place foam earplugs (or the earplugs of your choice) in your ears.
Lay on your back.
Close your eyes.
Listen to the rhythm of your heart beat and the sound of your blood flow swishing in and out of your heart.
Listen to your breath.
Breathe deeply into your lungs in sync with a set number of heart beats.
Relax your whole being for 10 mins (or longer).
Practice regularly.

This will help to lower your heart rate, reset your metabolism, relax & heal your body, mind & spirit, and tune you into your soul's desires and passions.

Thanks, as always for your participation in this group!

Peace, Love & Healing from the Big Easy,

☯♥☮ The Privelege & Practice of Wellness ~ Holistic Health & Natural Healing Newsletter 09/09/09

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮ Friends,

After watching President Obama's speech on healthcare reform this evening, as well as listening to the comments of members of the U.S. Congress, friends, and acquaintances, I have many, ideas for topics regarding our personal and collective health & wellbeing that could be included in this newsletter.

However, I feel there are only a couple that are the most valuable nuggets for me to share with you.

First, good health is great wealth.
This is a truth in every culture.
Throughout every time period.
Including now.

Second, we all must work to be well.
Good health is a great privelege.
It is also, a great responsibility.
There is no 'magic bullet', elixir or panacea for wellness.

Third, wellness is a journey, a practice, a state of being that comes to us both through our own choices, as well as through the gift of fortune. Whether we believe in destiny, fate, nature, genes, collective immunity, a Divine source of life and prosperity or all of the above, what is certain is that which we are given in body, mind, spirit and soul--we must care for with the greatest amount of respect.

Regardless of the outcome of healthcare reform in the USA, the responsibility and therefore, the privelege, of good health falls on each of us individually, and as part of a greater community, to strive toward ever-greater commitments of personal health & wellness change.

In general:

Healthful eating
Better sleep habits
More exercise
Incorporating relaxation
Reducing stress
Spending more time in and reconnecting with nature
Processing emotions
Improving family relationships
Practicing compassion
Expanding access to health & wellness education
Greater focus on prevention of illness
Increasing life balance

...all serve to empower & strengthen us to be well.

Finally, here are some topics & links posted to our group that I feel you will enjoy perusing. As always, its not about how many topics you read up on--its about incorporating the information you receive into your life to feel well :*)

Top 10 Weird Uses For Vodka
Benefits of Olive Oil
Organic Wines
Eco-Friendly Furniture
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice
Chinese Herbology
Natural Mosquito Repellants
Reiki Classes
The Appendix Has a Purpose After All (!)
Green/Environmental Cell Phone Apps
Fall Root Veggie Dish & Other Recipes

Here is the group link:

Thank you, for your wonderful participation & passion.

Peace, Love & Healing From The Big Easy,

Thursday, August 27, 2009

☯♥☮ Warding Off Winter Colds & Flu Starts Now!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Do you fit into any of these categories?

"I get the flu shot every year so, I never get sick"
"I get the flu shot every year-why am I still getting sick?"
"I've had the worst flus the last few years"
"My chest & lungs hurt when I get the flu, they never used to"
"I can't seem to kick the flu the way I used to"
"Why do my colds linger?"
"Why do I feel like I'm always coming down with something in the Winter?"

Humans have used food, herbs, fluids, movement, rest, meditation and various, other forms of natural healing to prevent, lessen the severity of, and speed the duration of colds and flus for many generations.

In fact, for thousands of years, physicians and healers around the world have studied herbs & nature, as well as practiced diverse, forms of herbalism and natural healing to cure common, chronic illnesses.

In recent decades, with the invention of synthetic chemicals, we have cut down on our use of herbs and even herb-based pills (did you know that aspirin was originally, made from the willow tree?) and instead, have reached for over-the-counter formulas to help stave off normal, cleansing illnesses such as colds and flus. Synthetic formulas often, have distasteful or uncomfortable side effects, can be expensive, and usually, work to obscure or suppress illness-causing microbes.

However, viruses, bacteria & molds...are simple, creatures yet very, old & wise! They quickly, learn to evolve and 'outsmart' many drugs we create and cause new sicknesses in humans. For instance, did you know that it is common for viruses to change just enough in one year that the flu shots we receive do not protect us from some of the current year's viruses?

It is interesting to note that in the last several years, even makers of O-T-C drugs have started re-incorporating herbs into their formulas.

While flu shots and over-the-counter cold & flu medicines can be helpful, particularly, in certain low-immunity populations, nothing replaces Mother Nature's healing gifts for soothing an achy body and stuffy nose! With or without flu shots & O-T-C medicines, we are biological, organic beings who are part of nature and require nature to be well through choosing nutritional foods, drinks, herbs, and other gentle, forms of healing.


Try adding or increasing these natural anti-'biotics' (biotic means 'living') or herbs in your diet to prevent unnecessarily, repetitive, long, and intense Winter illnesses :

peppermint, spearmint, basil, chocolate mint, orange mint
lavendar, rosehips, hibiscus, ginger, chamomile
cinnamon, cumin, curry, coriander, roobois
oregano, thyme, parsley, bay leaf
fennel, licorice, chicory, lemongrass, orange zest
black pepper, cayenne, white pepper, green pepper

Try adding or increasing these fruits & vegetables in your diet to help boost your immune system:

grapefruits, oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, kumquats
onions, garlic, scallions, leeks, shallots, chive
turnips, radishes, beets, jicama

Including more of these immune "boosters" gives our bodies a "shot" of natural medicine that works with metabolic, self-regulation in fluctuating weather to fight off microbes and give us extra zest to ride out the changing seasons.

Try adding or increasing fluid intake in your foods:

Home-cooked soups, stews, warm bean & rice dishes like vegetable miso, chicken soup, Hungarian goulash, hummus or black beans and brown rice add extra inner warmth and purification to our systems.

Try adding these foods to help coat & soothe mucous membranes:

Sea salt has an abundance of compounds that heals raw tissue and fights of disease. Honey and olive oil coat our mucous membranes which are primary, points of entry for cold & flu-causing microbes. Using local, organic, and unprocessed honeys is always the best!

Give it a try and tell us how you feel!
As always, we love your feedback ;*)

Peace, Love & Healing from the Big Easy,


☮♥☯ Sour Foods Pucker Our Palates!

Dear Friends,

How do you feel about:
sour foods?
tangy foods?
bitter foods?
zesty foods?
savory foods?

In a fast-paced lifestyle, we often choose fast-paced foods that are sweet, soft, and 'comforting'.

This doesn't just include 'Fast-Food'.
Many boxed & canned, ready-made, and restaurant- or store-prepared foods contain large, quantities of sodium chloride (NaCl) or 'table salt'; added, synthetic, colors & flavors; preservatives; sweeteners, etc. that seemingly, taste good to our mouths but are actually, dampening our palate and contributing to nutritional imbalance.

Naturally, sour, tangy, bitter, zesty, and savory foods 'spice up' our palate; clean our organs; help blood to flow well; regulate body temperature; assist with homeostatic processes & balancing electrolytes; fight unhealthy, microbes and other infection-causing agents; and keep our taste buds sharply, attuned to the many flavors, smells, consistencies, and sensations in a well-rounded diet.

Some excellent examples...

SOUR FOODS include:
grapefruits, lemons, limes, sour cherries, vinegars

apricots, plums, mangos, papayas

turnip greens, watercress, kale, parsley,

radishes, turnips, cayenne, paprika

cumin, curry, oregano, basil

Try lowering your salt & sugar intake and adding more herbs, spices, and palate-stimulating foods to your diet for one week and see how you feel!

As always, please, share your thoughts, favorite recipes, and requests on our group wall.

Thanks to all of your for your support & interest...we have recently, reached over 600 people :*)

Peace, Love & Healing from the Big Easy,


About Me *~☮♥❀~*