Natural Health, Ecoliving, & Other Holistic Funk From The Loo'siana Swamp

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

☯♥☮ Colds, Flus, H1N1 ~ Special Edition Holistic Health & Natural Healing Newsletter, 11/11/09

Do you feel protected and ready for the height of cold and flu season? Are you in the know about H1N1/'Swine' Flu? Have you read differing opinions as to what's best for you, your family, and your community when selecting cold and flu care options? Are you aware of natural ways to help protect, prevent, and heal children from colds and flu? There are many, gentle, natural, healthy, and amazing ways to strengthen the immune system, boost cold & flu prevention, and heal related illness more rapidly.
Here are a few examples:

Herbal Teas: Rosehips, hibiscus, lemongrass, peppermint, spearmint, chicory, cinnamon, cloves

Cooking Spices & Herbs: Oregano, thyme, basil, garlic, onion, ginger, black, white, or red pepper, cumin, curry, paprika

Fruits With Vitamin C: Grapefruit, orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, satsuma, kumquat, mango, papaya, pineapple, tomato

Leafy, Green Vegetables: Cabbage, broccoli, mustard greens, collard greens, spinach, mixed lettuces

Sour, Spicy, and Pungent Foods: Turnips, radishes, celery, horseradish, jalapeno, chile peppers, ume plum, pickles, prunes

Foods That Keep Mucus Membranes Moist & Protected: Avocado, vegetable/seed/& nut oils, whole grains, milk fats, animal fats, honeys, maple syrups, fruit pectins

Liquids That Cleanse The Organs: Water, fruit & vegetable juices such as cranberry, carrot, apple, cucumber and all vinegars

Sea Salt: Sea salt is a natural antimicrobial, blood/organ cleanser, and immune booster

Vitamin Therapy: Taking a natural multi-vitamin can be helpful, especially, to those who are immunocompromised

Aromatherapy creams, baths gels, or air scents with lavendar, rosemary, rosewater, tea tree oil, vanilla

Herbal poultices and cloths to reduce fever: The skin is the largest organ on the human body! Herbal poultices pull disease out and release healing agents inward

Homeopathy: Homeopathics give us a minute doseage of an ingredient that is very energetically, potent to our system and can help to free us from sickness, illness residues, and stagnant energies

Feng Shui: Home cleaning to rid house of clutter, dust, stale energies and create movement

Healing Touch: Massage, Accupressure, Accupuncture, Reiki, Rolfing to keep muscles and meridians clear relaxed and clear

Emotional cleansing to keep throat and heart chakras/energies joyous

Wash hands frequently: Among the best ways to keep infections down

Stay relaxed and have fun! The primary, cause of illness to the body is stress. Adding more downtime, meditation, regular exercise, yoga, music, games, and outdoor recreation are great ways to keep the body, mind, heart, and spirit relaxed and cleansed.

Remember, colds and flus are part of our healing journies! However, if we feel prepared and act, wisely, we are sure to have the best outcome.

Natural healing is fun and nourishing to us whether we are kids or adults...

Keeping an open mind heals us faster!

Feel free to contact me on Facebook or at:
for more information regarding natural & holistic healing, including scheduling private consultations.

We love feedback and to read your thoughts! Be sure to check out the incredible links our wonderful group members have posted!

Peace, Love and Healing from the Big Easy,

Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮


Helpful Articles and Links On Preventing/Healing Colds and Flu, including H1N1, Naturally

(Though, the articles contain a variety of natural healing content, you will find diverse opinions about vaccinating and medicating allopathically, as well. Be sure to read all ingredients on foods, herbal blends, and natural remedies, as you would with pharmaceutical and allopathic remedies to insure the best choice for you or loved ones you care for.)

Ten Ways Herbal Remedies Can Help Protect You Against Colds And Flu

Cold and Flu Herbal Remedies

How To Make Herbal Tea For Colds Or Flu

Homeopathic Cold & Flu Remedy

Green Kiddie Cold and Flu

Traditional Medicinals Just For Kids Cold Care Tea

North American Herb & Spice: Kid-E Care Cold and Flu

Vapocal Rub For Kids,_a_natural_herbal_remedy_for_cold_and_flu_for_kids_1023.html

Herbs For Kids Cold and Flu

Natural Herbal Cold and Flu Remedies

Traditional Healers Choose To Fight H1N1 Naturally

Do Women Need Such Big Flu Shots?

Midwife Connection: Should Pregnant Women Take The H1N1 Vaccine

H1N1 Vaccine A Tough Sell To Pregnant Women,0,409451.story

H1N1 Vaccine With Mercury and Squalene Pushed On Pregnant Women

New H1N1 Vaccine With Peramivir Might Be Risky

Swine Flu Vaccine Could Have Major Medical Side Effects

Swine Flu Losing Virulence

...and my personal favorite ;*)

Add Ginger Cookies To Flu Treatment Arsenal

About Me *~☮♥❀~*