Natural Health, Ecoliving, & Other Holistic Funk From The Loo'siana Swamp

Thursday, August 27, 2009

☯♥☮ Warding Off Winter Colds & Flu Starts Now!

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Do you fit into any of these categories?

"I get the flu shot every year so, I never get sick"
"I get the flu shot every year-why am I still getting sick?"
"I've had the worst flus the last few years"
"My chest & lungs hurt when I get the flu, they never used to"
"I can't seem to kick the flu the way I used to"
"Why do my colds linger?"
"Why do I feel like I'm always coming down with something in the Winter?"

Humans have used food, herbs, fluids, movement, rest, meditation and various, other forms of natural healing to prevent, lessen the severity of, and speed the duration of colds and flus for many generations.

In fact, for thousands of years, physicians and healers around the world have studied herbs & nature, as well as practiced diverse, forms of herbalism and natural healing to cure common, chronic illnesses.

In recent decades, with the invention of synthetic chemicals, we have cut down on our use of herbs and even herb-based pills (did you know that aspirin was originally, made from the willow tree?) and instead, have reached for over-the-counter formulas to help stave off normal, cleansing illnesses such as colds and flus. Synthetic formulas often, have distasteful or uncomfortable side effects, can be expensive, and usually, work to obscure or suppress illness-causing microbes.

However, viruses, bacteria & molds...are simple, creatures yet very, old & wise! They quickly, learn to evolve and 'outsmart' many drugs we create and cause new sicknesses in humans. For instance, did you know that it is common for viruses to change just enough in one year that the flu shots we receive do not protect us from some of the current year's viruses?

It is interesting to note that in the last several years, even makers of O-T-C drugs have started re-incorporating herbs into their formulas.

While flu shots and over-the-counter cold & flu medicines can be helpful, particularly, in certain low-immunity populations, nothing replaces Mother Nature's healing gifts for soothing an achy body and stuffy nose! With or without flu shots & O-T-C medicines, we are biological, organic beings who are part of nature and require nature to be well through choosing nutritional foods, drinks, herbs, and other gentle, forms of healing.


Try adding or increasing these natural anti-'biotics' (biotic means 'living') or herbs in your diet to prevent unnecessarily, repetitive, long, and intense Winter illnesses :

peppermint, spearmint, basil, chocolate mint, orange mint
lavendar, rosehips, hibiscus, ginger, chamomile
cinnamon, cumin, curry, coriander, roobois
oregano, thyme, parsley, bay leaf
fennel, licorice, chicory, lemongrass, orange zest
black pepper, cayenne, white pepper, green pepper

Try adding or increasing these fruits & vegetables in your diet to help boost your immune system:

grapefruits, oranges, lemons, limes, tangerines, kumquats
onions, garlic, scallions, leeks, shallots, chive
turnips, radishes, beets, jicama

Including more of these immune "boosters" gives our bodies a "shot" of natural medicine that works with metabolic, self-regulation in fluctuating weather to fight off microbes and give us extra zest to ride out the changing seasons.

Try adding or increasing fluid intake in your foods:

Home-cooked soups, stews, warm bean & rice dishes like vegetable miso, chicken soup, Hungarian goulash, hummus or black beans and brown rice add extra inner warmth and purification to our systems.

Try adding these foods to help coat & soothe mucous membranes:

Sea salt has an abundance of compounds that heals raw tissue and fights of disease. Honey and olive oil coat our mucous membranes which are primary, points of entry for cold & flu-causing microbes. Using local, organic, and unprocessed honeys is always the best!

Give it a try and tell us how you feel!
As always, we love your feedback ;*)

Peace, Love & Healing from the Big Easy,


☮♥☯ Sour Foods Pucker Our Palates!

Dear Friends,

How do you feel about:
sour foods?
tangy foods?
bitter foods?
zesty foods?
savory foods?

In a fast-paced lifestyle, we often choose fast-paced foods that are sweet, soft, and 'comforting'.

This doesn't just include 'Fast-Food'.
Many boxed & canned, ready-made, and restaurant- or store-prepared foods contain large, quantities of sodium chloride (NaCl) or 'table salt'; added, synthetic, colors & flavors; preservatives; sweeteners, etc. that seemingly, taste good to our mouths but are actually, dampening our palate and contributing to nutritional imbalance.

Naturally, sour, tangy, bitter, zesty, and savory foods 'spice up' our palate; clean our organs; help blood to flow well; regulate body temperature; assist with homeostatic processes & balancing electrolytes; fight unhealthy, microbes and other infection-causing agents; and keep our taste buds sharply, attuned to the many flavors, smells, consistencies, and sensations in a well-rounded diet.

Some excellent examples...

SOUR FOODS include:
grapefruits, lemons, limes, sour cherries, vinegars

apricots, plums, mangos, papayas

turnip greens, watercress, kale, parsley,

radishes, turnips, cayenne, paprika

cumin, curry, oregano, basil

Try lowering your salt & sugar intake and adding more herbs, spices, and palate-stimulating foods to your diet for one week and see how you feel!

As always, please, share your thoughts, favorite recipes, and requests on our group wall.

Thanks to all of your for your support & interest...we have recently, reached over 600 people :*)

Peace, Love & Healing from the Big Easy,


☯♥☮ Happy Summer Solstice!

Happy Summer Solstice!

Dearest Holistic Health & Natural Healing Members,

Thank you so, much for your support of this group & your belief in nature-based wellness.

Our group has grown to almost 400 people in the last several months. A true testament to the changing tides we are living through.

I just want to take a moment to wish you a Happy Summer Solstice and to remind us all that this is the longest day of 2009.

What does that mean?

With Summer in full swing it may seem that toasting s'mores & swimming in the lake are the most important tasks of the moment. Well, they are :)

However, it is also important to remember that Mother Nature ebbs and flows and we are beginning our ebb cycle, once more toward shorter days, Fall & Winter months and a more internal or yin time of the year.

Oh no, how can you make me think about wool sweaters & hot stews when its 100 degrees out, you might ask?

Not to worry! Plenty of summer and outward yang time left this year!

Its simply, a matter of beginning to move, think, & feel in greater coordination with nature such that we become as harmonious as possible with our surroundings.

For instance...maybe you want to can or jar some fresh, summer fruits or vegetables now, to pull out and eat or cook with in the Fall and Winter months? Or begin thinking...which Fall plants will you raise in your garden come next planting season? What are your goals & aspirations for the 2nd half of the year? Are you making the most of this time you are living through, now?

I like to view seasonal changes as collective vista points...scenic views for us all to stop for a moment, catch our breath, look at at where we've come from on our journey and where we need to go.

The more harmonious we live with nature, the smoother the seasonal changes and the more graceful we feel in body, mind, spirit and soul.

On that note, I'm off to make a peach cobbler and then hang out with the crickets ;*)

Happy Summer Celebrations & I look forward to chatting with all of you, soon.

Peace, love & healing from the Big Easy,


☯♥☮ Newsletter, 7/1/09: Favorite Food Brands

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Members:

Eating wholesome, natural foods is one way to ensure maximum wellness.

Bypassing chemicals, additives, preservatives & other funky food stuffs can be challenging, at times.

Let's share some tips & support with each other...

Ten of My Favorite Food Companies!!

Which Brands Support Your Happy, Healthy Eating?
Post Your Faves on Our Group Wall ;*)

Peace, Love & Healing from The Big Easy,

Brown Cow

Lundberg Farms

Eden Foods



Organic Valley

White Wave

Newman's Own Organics


Yogi Tea


☯♥☮ Keeping Your Cool In The Summertime

Dear Friends!

What are you doing to 'keep your cool' in body, mind, spirit & soul this Summer?

Summertime in warm climates is the most Yang (external, hot) season of the year. Nature invites us to spend time outdoors, swimming, hiking, communing with ourselves, each other, and the natural world around us. Summer also, provides us a time to cleanse ourselves from the slower, cooler months of the year during which our essential energies (Chi, Qi), emotions, and bodies tend to slow down and become more introspective and restful.

During Summer months, our *bodies* naturally crave hydrating fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, thirst-quenching teas, icy cold smoothies, lemon/limeades, homebrewed root beer or ginger soda, sweet melons/cherries/berries, avocados & olives, salads of all kinds--green vegetable, corn, bean, fruit, potato, egg, tofu, chicken, etc.

Our *minds* desire time to seek slowness, open up to the beauty & inspiration that our senses experience when all is in full bloom! Bright green trees, divinely scented flowers, the taste of a ripe watermelon, the feel of the earth in our hands, the sound of birds humming about...

Our *spirits* naturally, desire freedom & openness during Summer...the flexibility to explore, adventure and fill ourselves with new life.

Our *souls* crave the Summer outdoors as it reminds us of rebirth, hope, life, and helps to heal our us by reconnecting our whole beings with the wise and ancient ways of Mother Nature.

(Spending too much time indoors or in front of a tv, computer or movie screen during the Summer can make us cranky not just now but then again, in the Winter months when we are more prone to developing excessive 'cabin fever' from not having played enough in the Summer...and Seasonal Affective Depression from lack of sunlight & connection to natural healing.)

Foods, activities, relaxation, and external time in the Summer ultimately, fuel us with necessary warmth, creativity, excitement and joy to sustain us through Winter months.

What are some of your favorite cooling, delightful summer activities?

Post them on our wall!

Peace, Love & Healing From the Big Easy,


☯♥☮ Great Article Postings From Our Group

Hi, Friends!!

Here are some great articles & sites you may enjoy reading and visiting that I've discovered in the last week or 2.

You don't have to read them all :*)
You can just pick one or two...
And have some fun *!*

Thanks for posting your favorite food brand sites to our wall last week. We always love to hear about what's important to you.

Peace, Love & Healing From the Big Easy,


ॐ 10 Natural Sunscreens

ॐ How To Make Your Own Sunblock

ॐ Food Fantasies That Fight Pain

ॐ Black Garlic

ॐ Garlic Breath Blog

ॐ Neighbor, Can You Spare A Plum?

ॐ Eye Exercises, Yoga For The Eyes

ॐ 12 Yoga Postures To Prevent & Heal Diabetes

ॐ NYC Yoga Directory

ॐ 21 Ways To Live Longer


Sunday, August 23, 2009

NOLA Returns

K + 4...

New Orleans begins to resurface.

Friday, August 21, 2009

NOLA Femmes

A blog I will be contributing to...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Living in Louisiana

Things I like about living in New Orleans, Louisiana:

New Orleans
Very Green & Earthy
Lots of Water
Kind, Friendly People
Street Cars
International Port City
Rural LA
Relaxed Pace of Life
Amazing, Unique, Diverse Culture~Food, Music, Languages, Architecture, etc.
Strong Native American Presence
Incredible, History
Spirit of the City

Things I find challenging about living in Louisiana:

Socioeconomic Disparities Among Races
Women Paid $.66 Cents to the Male Dollar (Nationally, It's $.77 Cents. $.66 Cents is the USA Average from the 1970's)

About Me *~☮♥❀~*