Natural Health, Ecoliving, & Other Holistic Funk From The Loo'siana Swamp

Thursday, August 27, 2009

☯♥☮ Keeping Your Cool In The Summertime

Dear Friends!

What are you doing to 'keep your cool' in body, mind, spirit & soul this Summer?

Summertime in warm climates is the most Yang (external, hot) season of the year. Nature invites us to spend time outdoors, swimming, hiking, communing with ourselves, each other, and the natural world around us. Summer also, provides us a time to cleanse ourselves from the slower, cooler months of the year during which our essential energies (Chi, Qi), emotions, and bodies tend to slow down and become more introspective and restful.

During Summer months, our *bodies* naturally crave hydrating fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, thirst-quenching teas, icy cold smoothies, lemon/limeades, homebrewed root beer or ginger soda, sweet melons/cherries/berries, avocados & olives, salads of all kinds--green vegetable, corn, bean, fruit, potato, egg, tofu, chicken, etc.

Our *minds* desire time to seek slowness, open up to the beauty & inspiration that our senses experience when all is in full bloom! Bright green trees, divinely scented flowers, the taste of a ripe watermelon, the feel of the earth in our hands, the sound of birds humming about...

Our *spirits* naturally, desire freedom & openness during Summer...the flexibility to explore, adventure and fill ourselves with new life.

Our *souls* crave the Summer outdoors as it reminds us of rebirth, hope, life, and helps to heal our us by reconnecting our whole beings with the wise and ancient ways of Mother Nature.

(Spending too much time indoors or in front of a tv, computer or movie screen during the Summer can make us cranky not just now but then again, in the Winter months when we are more prone to developing excessive 'cabin fever' from not having played enough in the Summer...and Seasonal Affective Depression from lack of sunlight & connection to natural healing.)

Foods, activities, relaxation, and external time in the Summer ultimately, fuel us with necessary warmth, creativity, excitement and joy to sustain us through Winter months.

What are some of your favorite cooling, delightful summer activities?

Post them on our wall!

Peace, Love & Healing From the Big Easy,


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