Dear Friends,
My friend Gail and I have decided to team up and make donations to one of our favorite not-for-profit organizations, Heifer International, which facilitates holistic & sustainable development around the world.
This year, I have decided to donate $10/Month to help fund communities across the globe that are struggling for the basic necessities of food, income, and education to build a better life.
We have chosen to support new and pre-existing projects however, start-up and maintenance farming supplies (livestock such as sheep, llama, water buffalo, flock of chicks, and honeybees and plants such as tree seedlings and elephant grass) may also, be donated individually to communities.
Many of these projects focus on empowering women as both primary care-givers and economic heads of household within their families and villages.
These are the projects I have chosen to support:
1. USA - Seeds of Change in Arkansas and Appalachia (USA)
2. Haiti - REACH: Rural Entrepreneurs for Agricultural Cooperation in Haiti (Latin America)
3. Peru - Building a Sustainable Way of Life (Latin America)
3. India - Sustainable Community Development (Asia)
4. Nepal - Building Communities for Holistic Development 2 (Asia)
6. Laos - Promoting Women's Education and Self Esteem (Asia)
7. Cambodia - Women's Empowerment and Holistic Community Development (Asia)
8. Thailand - Empowering Marginalized Communities (Asia)
9. Uganda - Eastern Uganda Umbrella Project (Africa)
10. Sierra Leone - Integrated Livestock Development (Africa)
11. Armenia - Small Farmer Project (Europe)
12. Romania - Carpathian Project (Europe)
Here's how it works:
1. You choose the project and help to fund the gifts of livestock, training for the community and veterinary care needed to make the project successful.
2. Your contribution allows Heifer to work with the community to develop farms, businesses and education required for those in need to rise from chronic poverty.
3. You share in the project's progress with annual project updates and the stories of the people your gift has enabled to pursue a better life.
Help fund a project and receive annual progress updates. With Fund a Project you give to the project you select, change the lives of a whole community and see the results your gift produces.
Every month, I will share with you a bit about the project I am helping to fund and updates on previous projects. Please, join me in this global transformational experience of unity and betterment for both the communities and ourselves!
Please visit Heifer International's website for more information or find Heifer International on Facebook
Everyone deserves a life of peace & prosperity!
As a final note, Gail & met in college, brought together by our passions for nature, music, culture, food, fun and healthy living. For over 20 years, we have continued to grow on parallel and harmonious paths. Gail and I have teamed up on many occasions, both personally and professionally, to infuse peace and healing into our own bodies, minds and spirits, as well as to inspire those around us to embark on their own personal, joyous journeys of wellness. You can learn more about Gail, who is a Licensed Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, Reiki Master and her incredible work at
Peace, Love & Healing To All In 2012!!
In cooperation & community,
~Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic & Natural Wellness Consultant
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