Natural Health, Ecoliving, & Other Holistic Funk From The Loo'siana Swamp

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Rising Up From The Rubble & The Power of Sustainable Giving

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing Friends,

Each one of us has experienced a time in life when we've felt our world was crashing down. Maybe, the loss of a loved one; an accident of some kind; a marriage falling apart; termination from job; a sick child. Some of us have lived through disasters-the Tsunami in Asia, Hurricane Katrina, or 9/11.

When we transport ourselves back to that time and remember the pain, struggle, fear, and emptiness-we generally, choose not to linger too, long revisiting those feelings. Who wants to spend one extra minute suffering in life?

However, at this time, I feel we are being asked to reconnect with our own personal struggles in order to become more compassionate, empathetic, liberated, united individuals. While no gift is too small, for many of us, it is quite, a simple task to make a small, one-time donation, even in challenging economic times, and get back to our daily, routines. While, giving of any kind is a great deed, challenging ourselves to give sustainably is another story, altogether.

Sustainable giving requires commitment, tenacity, focus, determination, fortitude, deep generosity, open-heartedness, and self-sacrifice. However, the reward is not only, that we receive the privelege of helping others in long-term and meaningful ways but we also palpably, get to see the benefit of our change over time. We receive innumerable blessings, growth, and fulfillment from even the smallest of regular giving to those in need. We remold and sculpt the world to become a better place--and in the process, we too, become better for our outreach in body, mind, heart, spirit and soul.

Aren't we all "in need" in some way? Don't we all rely on each other for help? Who, in this world, can survive without interdependence from friends, family, community, and the Earth?

Here are some suggestions for sustainable giving to Haiti:

-Donate $5 once a week in 2010 via text message
-Donate $1 every day in 2010 via text message
-Give a small donation to a collection box each time you see one (could even be $.50)
-Set up a blog and post a prayer, photo, song, or link for Haiti each morning when you turn on your computer
-Change your email signature to include your favorite not-for-profit that works in Haiti with a line inviting friends to give
-Host a round-robin fundraiser dinner with friends once/month for a year where you each make contributions to a kitty and send to a Haiti Orphanage
-Clean out your house each season, hold a yard sale, and donate proceeds to local Missions to Haiti

I have posted and will continue to post many, resources for ways to give to Haiti on our group wall. I invite and encourage you to post your own ideas, as well. Who knows? Maybe, someone else will see your post and be inspired to give. Then your giving will be multiplied by 2 or 10 or 100.

Here is a wonderful list of charitable organizations to donate to Haiti:

To this list I add:

U.N. World Food Programme

Carma Foundation

Women For A Change

Google List of Haiti Orphanage Organizations:

There are so, many more incredible, options for sustainable, giving. I look forward to reading about your ideas and links!

With love & respect for the fragility and blessings of human life,

Jennifer A. Sachs
Holistic Health Coach & Consultant
Women's & Community Holistic Wellness Educator

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