Natural Health, Ecoliving, & Other Holistic Funk From The Loo'siana Swamp

Thursday, August 27, 2009

☮♥☯ Sour Foods Pucker Our Palates!

Dear Friends,

How do you feel about:
sour foods?
tangy foods?
bitter foods?
zesty foods?
savory foods?

In a fast-paced lifestyle, we often choose fast-paced foods that are sweet, soft, and 'comforting'.

This doesn't just include 'Fast-Food'.
Many boxed & canned, ready-made, and restaurant- or store-prepared foods contain large, quantities of sodium chloride (NaCl) or 'table salt'; added, synthetic, colors & flavors; preservatives; sweeteners, etc. that seemingly, taste good to our mouths but are actually, dampening our palate and contributing to nutritional imbalance.

Naturally, sour, tangy, bitter, zesty, and savory foods 'spice up' our palate; clean our organs; help blood to flow well; regulate body temperature; assist with homeostatic processes & balancing electrolytes; fight unhealthy, microbes and other infection-causing agents; and keep our taste buds sharply, attuned to the many flavors, smells, consistencies, and sensations in a well-rounded diet.

Some excellent examples...

SOUR FOODS include:
grapefruits, lemons, limes, sour cherries, vinegars

apricots, plums, mangos, papayas

turnip greens, watercress, kale, parsley,

radishes, turnips, cayenne, paprika

cumin, curry, oregano, basil

Try lowering your salt & sugar intake and adding more herbs, spices, and palate-stimulating foods to your diet for one week and see how you feel!

As always, please, share your thoughts, favorite recipes, and requests on our group wall.

Thanks to all of your for your support & interest...we have recently, reached over 600 people :*)

Peace, Love & Healing from the Big Easy,


About Me *~☮♥❀~*