Natural Health, Ecoliving, & Other Holistic Funk From The Loo'siana Swamp

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

☯♥☮ Meditation Is Our Natural Neutral ~ Holistic Health & Natural Healing Newsletter, 9/30/09

Dear Friends of Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮,

Why Meditate?

Meditation helps decrease:

high blood pressure
organ stress
skin imbalances
joint pain
sleep disturbances
disordered eating
spiritual emptiness

Meditation helps increase:

overall well-being
physical balance
joint flexibility
cleansing of the blood
emotional stability
positive outlook
mental clarity
conflict resolution skills
life fulfillment
spiritual connectedness

Did you know that in the last decade many, Olympic athletes have begun including meditation & yoga into their workouts for improved focus & better performance?

Try this exercise:
Find a quiet room.
Gently, place foam earplugs (or the earplugs of your choice) in your ears.
Lay on your back.
Close your eyes.
Listen to the rhythm of your heart beat and the sound of your blood flow swishing in and out of your heart.
Listen to your breath.
Breathe deeply into your lungs in sync with a set number of heart beats.
Relax your whole being for 10 mins (or longer).
Practice regularly.

This will help to lower your heart rate, reset your metabolism, relax & heal your body, mind & spirit, and tune you into your soul's desires and passions.

Thanks, as always for your participation in this group!

Peace, Love & Healing from the Big Easy,

☯♥☮ The Privelege & Practice of Wellness ~ Holistic Health & Natural Healing Newsletter 09/09/09

Dear Holistic Health & Natural Healing ॐ♥☮ Friends,

After watching President Obama's speech on healthcare reform this evening, as well as listening to the comments of members of the U.S. Congress, friends, and acquaintances, I have many, ideas for topics regarding our personal and collective health & wellbeing that could be included in this newsletter.

However, I feel there are only a couple that are the most valuable nuggets for me to share with you.

First, good health is great wealth.
This is a truth in every culture.
Throughout every time period.
Including now.

Second, we all must work to be well.
Good health is a great privelege.
It is also, a great responsibility.
There is no 'magic bullet', elixir or panacea for wellness.

Third, wellness is a journey, a practice, a state of being that comes to us both through our own choices, as well as through the gift of fortune. Whether we believe in destiny, fate, nature, genes, collective immunity, a Divine source of life and prosperity or all of the above, what is certain is that which we are given in body, mind, spirit and soul--we must care for with the greatest amount of respect.

Regardless of the outcome of healthcare reform in the USA, the responsibility and therefore, the privelege, of good health falls on each of us individually, and as part of a greater community, to strive toward ever-greater commitments of personal health & wellness change.

In general:

Healthful eating
Better sleep habits
More exercise
Incorporating relaxation
Reducing stress
Spending more time in and reconnecting with nature
Processing emotions
Improving family relationships
Practicing compassion
Expanding access to health & wellness education
Greater focus on prevention of illness
Increasing life balance

...all serve to empower & strengthen us to be well.

Finally, here are some topics & links posted to our group that I feel you will enjoy perusing. As always, its not about how many topics you read up on--its about incorporating the information you receive into your life to feel well :*)

Top 10 Weird Uses For Vodka
Benefits of Olive Oil
Organic Wines
Eco-Friendly Furniture
Benefits of Aloe Vera Juice
Chinese Herbology
Natural Mosquito Repellants
Reiki Classes
The Appendix Has a Purpose After All (!)
Green/Environmental Cell Phone Apps
Fall Root Veggie Dish & Other Recipes

Here is the group link:

Thank you, for your wonderful participation & passion.

Peace, Love & Healing From The Big Easy,

About Me *~☮♥❀~*